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UNIT PLUS s.r.o. > Contact


UNIT PLUS s.r.o.

Mantov 190
333 01 Chotesov 
Czech Republic

GPS coordinates:
49°38'41.854"N, 13°13'12.004"E


When using the navigation, we recommend that you travel by GPS navigation, not by street and house number.

Company ID: 64832759
Tax-ID: CZ64832759

Reference No.: C/7439 at the Regional court in Plzen

E-mail: unitplus@unitplus.cz

Telefon: +420 771 159 886

Extract from Companies Register

Obrázek 23.02.2024 v 8.23.jpeg


Contact form

Dear visitor,
Through this form you can send us an inquiry in respect of our services or products. We will respond in the shortest possible time.

Thank you for interest

Your personal information will only be used for the purpose of responding. For more information, see principles of processing personal data

Launch of new website

Dear visitors, on 13.04.2015 we launched the new website of our company. We hope that you will like the new form and always find in it the information you need.

Ivan Blyznets
UNIT PLUS s.r.o.